If being loved were a destination,
then I would buy a ticket
An exotic foreign land to me
To be fully appreciated,
for who I am
flaws and strengths combined as one
to create the perfect human being to another
To be so fortunate to find the complemental one
of whom to share this life
If there were only a simple way to make things happen
Taking a trip straight into the arms of another
to save all the turmoil and avoid all the agony,
of mishaps and bad decisions along the way
maybe then I could find that sustainable relationship
Choosing men who are unattainable
Making that choice, because I choose me,
to love myself
with a shell of protection around
my mental storm
I am scarred, but if I were not,
I would love to be loved wholly by another
No games to be played, or convenient ways,
just pure and simple love
So many souls stand alone;
they stand alone-together-because it is safe
Safe knowing what to expect,
because you are in control,
of your emotions, your mind,
your money, your matters
When you love yourself,
how can you possible trust another
With the most valuable and precious thing you have?
Or so I tell myself, a sheet of comfort.
Some say this desire is attainable
This life of love happens everyday
Just check your baggage at the gate
and let love find its way
But I have lost my faith
Faith in the good of people
To be loved full heartily,
if it were a destination,
I would surely buy the ticket
one way, no return.