Friday, October 16, 2009


you were in my dreams
but then i awoke

you knew,
even there,
in my subconscious
our time would go too quickly
time of which we never had
in our togetherness
the power
in the name of love
at times mercy
it would never be
tick tock
my heart thumps

so quickly...
forever ends


  1. Yepp. when forever falls apart. Beautiful and touching and so very true. Can relate once again. BTW I had a real good laugh about my Yoga on crutches. Love across the pond

  2. Kay,
    So clost to the heart... Beautiful!!

  3. The painting matches the words well.

  4. I actually had a dream exactly as you have described, it was after my husband passed and he was in, it was so real and when I awoke my heart was pounding and I threw myself into the pillow and comforter trying to keep his scent with this day, many years later that dream is so real to me.....I love your poem and your descritptions, absolutely loved it. Have a wonderful day....:-) Hugs

  5. This poem is like a beautiful sweater woven out of words.

  6. haunting kay...i hate to see forever end. i agree the pic and poem play really well together. have a great weekend!

  7. Dreams within Dreams

    They are circles we can revisit over and over again.

    We can re-experience love in all its forms.

  8. 'In my subconscious our time would go too quickly'

    I loved these two lines!!! Great going!

  9. This one simply takes my breath away.

  10. The end and the dreams that haunt us...sometimes the sadness feels unbearable, but then comes a new dream, a new love, a new and better life. The journey from one to the next is the hard part.

    Beautifully written. Your work is always so inspiring, Kay! Thank you again :)

    Have a Beautiful Day!

  11. That reminds me of my last boyfriend...but you know it was for the best I really believe that!!! Because know there is Logistic guy and he is so much more loving and fun to be with!!!

  12. I had a dream a co-worker (yeah, ok, he is mighty fine and prone to flirt) needed comfort and laid his head in my lap as I stroked his hair. Damn if that alarm didn't freakin' end it all. *sigh*

  13. Dreams that end too quickly always leave me with a yucky feeling in my heart. That was very quiet. Nice!

  14. Aren't the best, most intense romances live in our dreams? Only to end suddenly without warning leaving us feeling unfulfilled. If only they could transcend into reality. Lovely picture, goes well with your poetry.

  15. I think the first two lines and the last two sum it all up

  16. "you were in my dreams,
    but then i awoke" art...nice work !!

  17. You know, you should respond to your commenters or on their posts. Tit for tat, Roll Tide Roll!!! :)

  18. sigh sigh .. such poetry. In the name of love I know some good Lovers we can never be together with forever, but in our hearts they will always remain. sweet memories.


  19. Love in the woods is like sneaking away from a picnic for stollen moments and peaked learning of mutual desires and restless yearning to last a lifetime in reflection but perhaps never to be repeated together again.

  20. can i have a cup of forever please? :)

  21. Stunning words and I love your concept of time..that painting is powerful as well and draws you into the piece.

  22. You write so beautifully!


  23. Hey Kay,
    Visit my profile :)
    Something is waiting for you!

  24. Kay, a wonderful piece of work. The subconscious mind is a miracle processing our thought and desires as we sleep. tick tock,
    my heart thumps, so quickly... forever ends, gave me goosebumps and the illustration . . sublime!

    Thank you so much Kay for your very kind and supportive words you left for me on my blog. Those word hugs mean an awful lot to me right now so thanks for taking the time to do that:)

  25. That was very well written...a great piece of work!! I liked these line "time of which we never had stopped" thats so true!!

  26. Something i'm right now experiencing... well, it will remain in my sub conscience mind forever...

  27. Had to come back to this particular one, Actually I returned several times by now. When forever falls apart. Forever is brief anyway. This poem is helping me on a way I cannot coherent. I am so very grateful for it. Love to you. Paula

  28. when forever ends it's tragic...this is
    written so gently, kay.
