Monday, September 28, 2009

Just Tired

I am just
I am tired
weakness consuming
I want to love you
I want to give you my all
I open the doors
inviting you in
to take hold of the woman
I was
I am
I will be
for me, in return
to love you unconditionally
I do
I am just
I am tired
of opening my heart
I am just
I am tired


  1. I was awake, now I think I need to sleep,sleep, sleeeeppp. Ha, good stuff young lady. I had no idea anyone else wrote from the heart.

  2. One more an "ordinary" poem,,, Right,,lol, How you convey such feelings is amazing.

  3. i feel this one...maybe not in the way intended but i feel it...the waiting as you lay there exposed...i feel it today.

  4. I feel it so much. You know I can relate. Hugs to you,

  5. We all have had moments like these only we all don't have the words as you do to express them. This poem has touched my heart as you write from yours.......:-) Hugs

  6. Exposed and vulnerable. It is hard to be thusly naked. But I heard it said last night, "Pain eats regret every day of the week and twice on Sunday." To love hard will bring pain at times, but to avoid? Regret is a lot harder to swallow I think. Wanting so hard, makes weary.

  7. Nice one.
    Too tired to wait but never tired of loving you.

  8. Why no you leave comments?

  9. Yearning and waiting is exhausting!!! Beautifully written. And like many who have commented, I can totally relate to feeling this vulnerable state too.

  10. Man, I hear ya. If only vitamins could cure it.

  11. Kay,
    Beautifully written!! Such great words about a common state of being which we so often neglect… at some point we all just need a good rest...

  12. Isn't it hard to open our hearts, to love unconditionally and to be is tiring. You have captured the feeling perfectly. But we must never give up though...when one door closes, another opens. I think we are better people for being honest and genuine and loving with all we have to give...An authentic life is not pain free, but it is worthy.

    Love this, Kay :D You always get it so right!
    Hugs to you!

  13. Love can never be sought after, nor can it ever be projected as the last option after you are tired... It is just love..
    When we try there is no such thing as love, all that exists is stories.. !!

  14. wow, do i know this feeling... and then i try to remember that love that is mine will come to me without prompting, right?

  15. another wonderful write!! One that many of us have experienced !!, This poem reminds me of a dear friend of mine, who opened her heart, gave it everything, and got nothing in return, she got so tired, and shut the door on him. However, another one opened , she walked in, it's much better, than the door she shut, yet this one is tiring where she is the one who seems to be giving it her ALL. does it END!!

  16. I had a realization in the middle of reading your poem. You made me see that I am able to be mutifunctional. I felt good about reading your words at the instant I read them. This great feeling occured at the same instant that the recognition of the word took place, not in refelction afterward. You pluck at emotion instantly, like a song.
    Hugs, fab

  17. You create such wonders with words.Love all your works :)

  18. this one sings out for a backup band,
    lyrical and lovely Kay
    a heart's reflection

  19. To be very honest, I'v felt all this today. Great read!

  20. Speaking the truth is making love

  21. I know how you feel in so many ways...great stuff...

  22. Boy this speaks to me! I'm just waking up to the insanity of it!
